Sunday, March 2, 2014

Still worth it- or other things still worth trying

My Target from the Point Blank Shooting Range! (checked #34 off)
In 2012 I made a list of 35 things I wanted to do in the year of my 35th birthday (see the My 35 Things! post if you're not familiar with the list). I was very happy with my selections but I knew time and money constraints would mean I might not be able to get it all done! While I did get to go to a shooting range (more than one, actually, and even wrote a story about it ); I did not end up joining a roller derby team. That particular activity remains on my list of to do's; though every year as my bones ache a little more I become more and more frightened of actually checking that one off my list. Still, I have taken one step, you could say, toward my goal. Below is a list of the derby names I've selected for myself. I thought long and hard about this, but I haven't been able to whittle them down to just "the one." Maybe this is what's holding me back! (Yeah right) Help me select a name, and then I can get onto my next adventure. I'm sure it will be worth trying!

My roller derby names:
Pushy Galore
Fright Ryder
Hunny Ryder (for Winnie the Pooh)
Black Dynomight!
The Poohnisher