Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I'M BACK BABY! (new motivation)

In the past few years, it's been easy for me to find the drive and wherewithal to go out and help other athletes. Some days I leave my regular job at 8pm, and have no problems driving 45 mins to get back in the water and work with new swimmers/triathletes, because, well there is nothing like seeing the look on their faces when they put 10 laps together for the first time (or even two laps). However, that same get up and go for my own  swim, bike, or run training has been elusive, to say the least. Enter my favorite "Salty Wench" (sweaty ladies unite!) and my training partner (see also everyone's favorite "Gear Gal").
Isn't it just great when people know you? The Gear Gal and my Salty Savior, lead me to the US Road Runnings' Virtual race programs, and more importantly to the five pirate medals I can get from them.
I know what some of you are saying," You can't just buy a medal." Well, what do you think you are paying for at other races? Oh sure, you pay for the venue or view when you register for a destination race; and you pay for the opportunity for camaraderie when you sign up for local races with friends. Some people even tell themselves they are paying for the challenge; pitting themselves against other athletes. But how does that truly differ from your training days? When you achieve a PR time during a training day prior to a race, but not on the race day, that medal is just as much for the sweat equity you put in training, as for how you performed on the event day. And if your friends and family can't join you at a race, couldn't you still enjoy the moments when you are together training? And honestly, when you do the same race over and over again because they change the bling, aren't you still paying for the medal? Truthfully, I didn't need any other reason that these two words: PIRATE MEDAL! And it doesn't bother me what other people think about the idea of virtual races; I have a reason to get out and run, and I haven't had that in a LONG TIME!!! Blue, Orange, Ghost, and Talk Like a Pirate; I'm registering for all of them. I've even started my running already, in preparation for all the race days I will be awarding myself my medals! (Race days=dates listed by medals)
My first day back out, it was just me and the open road! I walked (not quite running full out yet) 3.87 miles with an avg speed about 4 mph. I'm happy with my return to the road. But more than that, I'm motivated! 
“Plans make dreams reality.” 
― Susan Pace-KochGet Out Of My Head, I Should Go To Bed
And so I have my plan! Gangway! This landlubber has booty to smartly plunder! ARRGGH!
(Updated 7/30/2014! Ahoy Mateys, me booty hath arrived:D. So excited about this!)

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