Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Silver Sneakers/ Fluorescent Feet

My mother joined a silver sneakers water aerobics class recently. Not being the outgoing, social butterflies that her daughters are, this was a BIG step for moms. In support, I've been going to the class with her. I already get in the water to teach twice on that day, so I just couldn't see myself getting in a third time to swim train while she "worked the water!"
Conveniently, my bike was in the shop, so I was unable to ride, so instead,  I decided to get out there and put some miles on my shoes.
It turned out to be only three miles, but a rough three miles it was. If you know the Skybrook neighborhood then you know the word CHALLENGING is appropriate. (Thanks Runtastic for clocking my miles, and calories.) I walked 3.07 miles in 57:49 and gained 164ft in elevation- whatever that means!
The second triathlon I ever did, the Take Flight Triathlon, finished through this neighborhood. However, I just don't remember it being that rough back then. (Oh, how the mind forgets.) Anyway, I got back out there. So while those spry seniors rocked their silver sneakers, I tried to be light on my fluorescent feet. Tried. But hey, it's worth a tri : D!

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