Wednesday, November 20, 2019

42 Days of Gratitude: Day One- The 10 Year Challenge

Queen City E
Hanging out in DC

L: 2009 inside Zola's in DC

R: 2019 In the family Cul De Sac in NC

As another year comes to a close, I want to take some time to reflect on the the days that have passed, and the things in my life that I am grateful for. With my 42nd year on this Earth starting to wrap up (well, I still have a full four months) I am sharing my thoughts for the last 42 days of the year. It has been quite the interesting year, full of transition, possibility, and vigor! It reminds me, in many ways of 2009.

There has been a 10 year challenge on social media; an opportunity to look at pictures of yourself from 10 years ago, and see how well you fared. The pictures above are much like all of my pictures through the years. The hair is often different, as are the glasses, and the cheeks are sometimes chubbier, but the face and the smile are ultimately the same. I basically look the same as I did 10 years ago, which is nice. And while I am appreciative of the good genes that have kept me looking somewhat youthful, if not young, I am most grateful for the actual truth behind each smile. 

In 2009, I completed my first triathlon. It was my way of getting back into sports, and starting to take care of my body again. It was also the beginning of a journey through new paths and unexpected changes. I met new mentors, professional and social. I found a new team with like minded individuals all working towards the same goal, that had nothing to do with winning a game or even a race. It was about finding your joy, and believing in yourself. I made new friends, that 10 years later, are still right there when I start running (or walking, more often than not) a new route.

In 2019, I completed my first distance challenge; 4 races, 30.4 miles in two days. Though this time I trained more alone, I still found myself out on those roads wearing new paths, and finding new strength amid these older bones. Surprisingly enough I had personal bests on two of the four races. 

Not surprising your body will do anything to be done with something it isn't enjoying, even find speed where there is none! I was steady if not fast, and stayed the course even when things didn't go quite as planned. 2009 Erica didn't really change her eating habits until very late in the training, and never slept the way she should've, for various reasons. 2019 Erica employed a trainer to help her, not only improve nutrition and strength, but to lose weight in order to gain speed. My body was heavier, my joints were swollen, my gait was uneven but 10 years later I went further, faster, with more confidence than I had with that first Sprint Triathlon finish.

These knees may have osteoarthritis, but I am so grateful that they can still keep my legs moving; some days, faster than others.  I am grateful that through life changes and health scares this body is still running 42 years later, and with all the original parts. I am grateful that 10 years later, despite all that has passed in these years, my body is still meeting the challenges I throw at it, and I still have the majority of my teeth to have a full genuine smile.

10 years of more adventure than challenges. Looking forward to the next 10.

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